This is how we greet each other during the greatest Cristian holiday - Easter or Resurrection of the Lord. This holiday embraces our whole lives: Jesus Christ died for my sins, that is why God forgives my past, He is risen and that is why He lives with me today; Jesus gave us salvation, that is why I have a future.

Easter sermons are always special, filled with anticipation of the incredible wonder, which took place more than 2000 years ago, continues today in every believer’s live and will happen when we meet Christ. The deep meaning of what had happened is hard to comprehend! That is why our Sunday school students and their teachers helped us with this by showing a play, which they prepared for the church as a gift. In a simple but sincere performance our kids captured a deep meaning of the Christian hope. Besides the play, they also recited poems and sang a beautiful song.


The celebration of our Savior’s resurrection continued on May 2nd at a church picnic. It was a true holiday both for kids and adults where everyone had something interesting and fun to do – play volleyball, table-tennis, climb a rope-road etc.


Sunday school teachers, together with the youth, prepared a special program for children, where they could not only have fun but also learn about what exactly we celebrate on the day of Easter.


A holiday cannot go without music and singing – and that is exactly what we did. After listening to the pastor’s word, everyone was served a delicious plov (traditional dish with meat and rice) prepared on fire, grilled sausages, pancakes with jam and much more. The holiday was filled with joy and friendly communication! Thanks to all those who made this holiday so great.


Author: O.T.

