11 лютого церква знову була наповнена жіночим сміхом, гомоном, прославленням і молитвами. Чергова жіноча зустріч цього разу пройшла під гаслом "Господь - то мій Пастир, тому в недостатку не буду" (Пс.22)

As always, women’s ministry leader Rita Fedorchuck said the word, after which there were worshipping, praying and communication.

Event planner – Katerina Nedilko. Host – Veronika Chepel.

A special guest Svitlana Goncharova (a founder of the “FlyMama” system) held a seminar called “Find time for important things! How women can find time and strength for the most important things in life.” Another guest – Olena Lagovska – shared her wisdom on the topic “Have time to love. How to love your most important people.”




And a lot of beautiful pictures!



Video from CNLNEWS


Next meeting is on March 18th

'The King’s daughter is all glorious within'

'Philadelphia', Irpin, Pushkinskaya st, 56