Щороку, плин зимових днів переривається особливим святом Христового Різдва. Євангеліє нагадує нам цю історію, зокрема у пророчих словах, що їх цитує Матвій: «Ось діва в утробі зачне, і Сина породить, і назвуть Йому Ймення Еммануїл, що в перекладі є: З нами Бог». (Від Матвія 1:23).

When thinking about the event of Christmas, we discover how God entered our history. This is an unusual story, a mystery. It shows us God’s doings, which do not depend on us and our efforts. God revealed Himself to us in Jesus to be with us.

First of all, the event of Christmas emphasizes the birth of the Son of God. This is the sign of His divinity. The same way as the empty tomb testifies about the resurrection and deity of Christ, His miraculous birth is the sign of God’s presence. By greeting each other “The Christ is born! Glory to Him!” we proclaim that Jesus is The Lord, Son of God, the Savior, Him who “will save his people from their sins.” Mt 1:21

Secondly, the birth of Christ shows us the love of God. He is Emmanuel, which means “God with us”. In difficult times, in our defeat as well as in our victory, it is important to now – God doesn’t abandon us, He is on our side, He is close.

Merry Christmas! “ Christ is among us!” He is and always will be!

Valeriy Sekisov